
This audio has two general council meetings in it, one goes over land and water irrigation. the other goes over water rights, lawsuits, and economic development.



General Council Meeting: February 24, 1981/ March 27, 1981

Note: There are two audios: 2nd meeting starts at 3:09, loud children noises


Disclaimer: The ideas or opinions expressed in this recording are those of the individual(s) recorded and not the official views or opinions of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe or Shoshone General Council as a whole unless otherwise stated on the record. The access protocols for this recording were determined by an Eastern Shoshone Community Curation Team. 


Description: There is a brief talk about who owns what land and if those lands are being irrigated or not. 


2nd meeting: The first item is about two main lawsuits that are about the water rights case and the Dry Creek case. Next discussion is about irrigation and which lands are and could be irrigated. There is talk about wanting to take it to federal court but were denied so it was a state court case. The lawyers and the business council drew up a zoning act so that non-Indians can’t try to move big trailers near or on the rez. Finally, a report on the nursing home and its estimated cost.